Success today requires the agility and drive to constantly rethink, reinvigorate, react and reinvent – Bill Gates

In my earlier blog, I had talked about adaptability as a key requirement in these tough times. This blog, however, talks about being one step ahead – being agile. It isn’t only about being flexible today but also about being responsive, being able to see through the challenging times and about seeking newer and innovative ways to emerge victorious.

We have write ups everywhere talking about agile leadership during crisis. Why limit ourselves to agile organizations and agile leaders. An agile mindset and approach is needed by each one of us today. While the new normal is becoming our way of life, let’s introspect and see whether we are being agile and progressing or simply being adaptable and embracing the change. The pandemic has emerged as a villain of all times and we have all spent a hearty time condemning it for making our lives miserable. Blaming however, will only foster an atmosphere of fear, anxiety and inaction. Let’s not inculpate the virus anymore because that will hamper learning and foresight.

Crises test us but resilience helps us to win. The time has come to bounce back into action. To some of us, this crisis has given small zones of comfort, which could be the solace at home or the cuddling with the kid, the relaxed morning tea or the afternoon nap. Let’s pause for a moment and think how would things be had this pandemic never happened. The pandemic has surely given us some of the most sought, sweetest moments of our life, and for that solely, we are thankful.

It’s time we look at unprecedented ways and carve the best way forward for ourselves, leave the bag of laxity behind and zoom in the fifth gear. Some of the things that we can do to tread the path of learning and progress could be working on our opportunities or even our limitations. This could mean pursuing an online course for upgrading our knowledge, improving our language and communication, creative writing, reading or devising new lines of business. Let’s be more self-aware than ever and utilize this time to enhance and upgrade and be stubborn to achieve our goals.

If our desire to change is greater than our desire to stay the same, no one can stop us.